


学生 wish to receive funding from the 新 York State financial aid programs must maintain good academic standing.

  • 良好的学术地位包括追求计划(POP), 纽约州教育局将其定义为在全日制课程中达到一定比例的及格或不及格分数. 及格分数是D-或更高的分数. 不及格的分数是F.“W”、“I”和“WI”不是及格或不及格的分数. 这一比例每年都在增加. 详情请参阅TAP资格表.
  • The second element of good academic standing is Satisfactory 学术的进步 (SAP). SAP is the number of credits the student earned toward their certificate or degree at the end of 每一个 学期, 以及累积平均绩点. Transitional studies courses that students may be required to take do not count toward SAP requirements. 详情请参阅TAP资格表. There are 2 TAP charts, one for remedial and one for non-remedial students.

课程结束时将对学生的POP和SAP进行评估 每一个 学期. 未达到POP或SAP标准的学生将失去世纪挑战集团下一个日历年的纽约州财政援助计划的资格. 获得相当于六个全日制纽约州TAP奖项的学生将不再有资格在社区大学获得TAP. 课程变更不会帮助学生在新课程的第一学期重新获得SAP和GPA要求的资格.


学生, 在之前, 已获得相当于两年或两年以上的国家资助学生助学金(在以前的学期中累计获得24个或更多的付款点),必须累计获得“C”(2.0)平均绩点才有资格继续获得国家财政援助. Students subject to the "C" average requirement must meet this in addition to POP and SAP requirements. State financial aid programs subject to this requirement include 所有 general and academic performance awards.

非学分过渡课程: 学生 are required to take non-credit transitional studies courses must be aware of the following:

  • Non-credit transitional studies courses do not count toward completion of SAP requirements.
  • To meet the full-time or part-time requirements for 每一个 学期's attendance, 非学分过渡学习课程的学生必须在其注册中包括第一学期至少3个学分,之后每个学期至少6个学分. The total number of 学期 hours (non-credit and credit) must be at least 12 or more for TAP, 以及3至11个学时的非全日制学习资助.




当学生在某门课程中获得及格分数(D-或更高)时, it gener所有y cannot be included in the calculation of full or part-time status if the student takes the course again. 用于国家财政援助, courses cannot be repeated to raise the GPA or to get a better grasp of the subject matter. 这一裁决的四个例外是:

1. 当收到的成绩是及格,但不被录取学生的学位或证书课程所接受. 例如, the student's program requires that the student get a C or better in ABC100 to be graduated, 但是这个学生在ABC100考试中得了D. 这个学生可以重修ABC100以获得更好的成绩. 本目录中的程序说明 & 学生手册 (项目 of Study) must stipulate this for the repeated course to be eligible for financial aid.

2. When a grade received is passing but is not acceptable for the student to move on to the next course in the sequence. 例如, ABC101 requires that a student get a C or better in ABC100 in order to take ABC101. The student gets a C- in ABC100 and, therefore, would not be able to take ABC101. 因此,学生可以重复ABC100以获得更好的成绩. 本目录中的课程描述 & 学生手册 (课程描述) must stipulate this for the repeated course to be eligible for financial aid.

3. 学生必须同时选修一门课程和一门相关课程并通过考试,而只有其中一门课程获得及格分数. 例如,ABC200要求学生同时选修ABC201. 这个学生ABC200得了A,但ABC201得了F. 学生必须重修这两门课程并同时通过这两门课程才能获得学位或证书的学分. The student can repeat both courses in order to receive credit toward the degree or certificate. 本目录中的课程描述 & 学生手册 must stipulate this for the repeated courses to be eligible for financial aid.

4. When a course may be repeated and credit earned toward the degree or certificate 每一个 time it is taken. 例如,体育课程.



  • 第一个, 学生可以尝试通过参加没有纽约州援助的课程来弥补他们的学术缺陷. If successful, the student could have their aid reinstated for a future 学期.
  • Second, the student can sit out from school for at least one calendar year. Upon returning to school, the student could be eligible in their first term for state financial aid. 然而, 如果学生已经使用了相当于四次TAP付款, 24个发薪点,少于2.平均绩点为0,休学一年不能恢复资格.
  • Third, the student can request a one time Waiver of Good Academic Standing for Pop and/or SAP.


一学期学业成绩不达标的学生,可申请放弃下学期学业成绩. 对于纽约州的项目,学生可能会获得批准 只有一个 弃权作为本科生. Waiver applications and information are available in the 金融援助 Office. 只有在特殊情况下才会考虑豁免. 特殊情况包括父母一方死亡, child or spouse; injury or severe illness of the student, 学生的配偶, parents or children; or other special circumstances. 学生必须提供情况证明和文件,证明情况已经得到控制或不会再次发生.

纽约州课程的平均成绩C要求豁免: 累计平均成绩达不到2分的学生.0 or better at the end of a 学期 (beginning 24th paypoint) may apply for a waiver for the next 学期. 如上节所述,豁免将被考虑. Program changes will not assist students in making the C average requirement for the first 学期 in a new program.

You must be a registered student to be eligible for financial aid in any 学期. 经济援助办公室认为注册学生是积极参与课程要求的学生, 包括上课出勤率. 你注册的学分数量的任何变化都可能影响该学期和未来学期的经济援助资格. Changes in registered courses may be student initiated by a withdrawal or drop, 也可以因缺课而由讲师发起. The student is responsible for maintaining themselves as registered students for financial aid purposes.

经济援助通过计算机系统记入符合条件的学生账户,该系统将经济援助与学生账户办公室的学生账户联系起来. 符合条件的学生账户将在退学/加课期结束后,经核实出勤率后,由财政援助办公室持续记入账户. If your tuition and fee bill is completely paid and you have a credit balance, 您将通过邮件或电子转账获得退款. The Student Accounts Office norm所有y sends refund checks on a bi-weekly basis, 或半周的EFT, 不会早于第五周的课程. 在退款发放之前,学生应自行支付间接教育相关费用.

威廉D. 福特联邦直接学生(补贴和非补贴) 贷款

分两次或两次以上相等分期支付.e. 一个在秋天,一个在春天)在每学期的退加期结束后. 联邦法规要求直接补贴和非补贴斯塔福德贷款的第一次支付必须在整个第一年的贷款期开始后的30天内进行, 世纪挑战集团的首次借款人. All students must be registered and in attendance in at least 6 credits when the loan funds are disbursed. 否则,贷款将被取消.

威廉D. 福特本科生家长贷款(PLUS)

支付到学生的账户. 信贷余额将直接支付给学生或家长. 经济援助办公室发给学生一份选择表格.


The 金融援助 Office recalculates federal financial aid* eligibility for any student who completely withdraws, 停止上课, 或者在本学期被开除, 在学期完成60%之前. Recalculation is based on the percent of earned federal financial aid using the following formula:
% earned = number of days completed up to the withdrawal date** divided by total days in the 学期

aid to be returned = amount of Federal Title IV 援助 disbursed minus Federal Title IV aid earned

当联邦财政援助被归还时, the student may owe money to 世纪挑战集团 and may also owe funds to the federal government. Students should contact the Student Accounts Office regarding any money owed to 世纪挑战集团.

*Federal financial aid for this calculation at 世纪挑战集团 includes Federal Pell Grant, FSEOG, 联邦直接学生贷款和联邦附加贷款.
**退学日期定义为学生开始退学程序的实际日期(请参阅世纪挑战集团目录了解正式退学程序), 学生最后一次记录出勤日期或未通知世纪挑战集团的学生离校的学期中点.
***只拿到F或F + W的学生, 财政援助办公室将确认学生出席的最后日期,如果出席的最后日期是在本学期的60%点之前,将退还资金. 在这种情况下,退款将在学期结束后进行,如果学生重新计算,将通过电子邮件通知他们, 如果是这样的话, 会由学生会计处收费吗.


根据联邦和州的规定, 博彩网址大全在每学期加/退期结束后设立一个“冻结日期”,以确定学生的入学状况,以便支付联邦佩尔助学金和州财政援助. 经济援助只会支付那些 专业要求,并在冻结日期前添加. 时间将在添加/删除期结束时冻结. 学生必须注册 所有 parts of term before the freeze date to receive Federal Pell and/or state aid for that class. Federal and state aid will not be available for classes added after hours have been frozen.
与延迟开始的课程相关的经济援助奖励金额将不会支付,直到这些课程的出勤确认. 学生应该在学期开始后的某个时间点注册课程时相应地计划经济援助退款. 在冻结日期之后追溯获得经济援助的学生将在颁发奖励时冻结学时,并且将根据当时的当前注册情况付款.